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제품 이미지
FUJI - CS5F-800 로 대체 가능한 제품 입니다.
제품 특징
Variable cross-section fuse element made from purecopper or silver sealed in cartridge made from high-duty ceramic or epoxy glass. Fuse tube filled with chemically treated high-purity quartz sand as arc-extinguishing medium. Dotwelding
of fuse element ends to the terminals ensures reliable electric connection and forms insert knife type contacts. Striker may be attached to the fuse link to provide immediate activation of microswitch to give various signals or cut the circuit
I.G 인터내셔날은 전력반도체 전문 업체로써 GTO, IGBT, SCR을 취급하며
20년 이상을 꾸준히 성장한 회사입니다. 연락주시면 친절하게 설명해드리겠습니다.
상호 : 아이지인터내셔날 , ☎ 고객센터: 051) 319-2970,2877
( 휴대폰 010-3582-2743 최인영 대표 )